When the Customer Experience is Everything for Retailers, More Intelligent Digital Communications Platforms Drive Better Outcomes for Customers and Teams

February, 2023
Author: Jeff Li

The digital age has dramatically overhauled how and where services are delivered across a myriad of industries. As a result, it has never been easier for new businesses to enter previously inaccessible markets to try and gouge out their own share from the dominant giants. With this mass of new companies arriving in various sectors, many spaces have witnessed unprecedented saturation that has necessitated a change in policy for companies aiming to remain at the forefront of their markets.

The retail industry is one that has adapted continuously alongside the global digital transformation, with many companies leveraging a broad range of innovative technologies throughout both their online and brick-and-mortar stores. In this hypercompetitive market, it can be difficult to retain an advantage for long, and with the breadth of options available to customers ever-expanding, the need to provide an extensive customer experience has never been greater.

At ConnX, we found that many of our retail customers frequently expressed the desire to reach broader audiences with their offerings, and to improve and automate how they engaged with their customers, without requiring massive investments into new systems.

At the core of their digital transformation? Their voice and data networks and ongoing move to the cloud.

ConnX Service Assurance to the Rescue!

Our retail customers have similar problems, including continually proliferating systems which are siloed and not integrated, and nearly impossible to manage across their enterprise network and beyond the network.

With limited or no end-to-end visibility into their network infrastructure and services, they were unable to monitor and manage, given limited legacy monitoring tools (including Network Management Systems (NMSs) which notoriously can indicate that all systems are up and operational, despite ongoing service issues.

Just to keep up, our retail customers needed to hire resources and bring in experts to make sense of many siloed and proliferating systems – and this lead to poor customer experiences with inferior audio and video quality, dropped sessions, and growing frustrations (including for their employees).

Common Challenges in Every Size Retail Organization

The challenge for clients in the SMB market is that these enterprises do not have the network resources, human resources, or expertise to solve these problems, or to integrate the multiple platforms required into a practical solution.

The challenge for larger enterprises that can invest in these resources still have is the integration of these complex tools into a manageable system, and they prefer to have a vendor that is a subject matter expert to handle this specialized part of the business.

Problems Solved: ConnX Actively Manages the Network and Assures Quality

By alleviating the pain and consequences associated with ensuring communications are predictable, resilient, and extremely high quality, whether audio, video, messaging, and a combination of all three which supports omnichannel retail needs, our customers turned to us for:

  • 24 x 7 x 365 global support
  • AI-Ops automation, ML and analytics digests, which prioritizes and manages alerts and ticketing to dramatically reduce or eliminate the need human intervention
  • Single pane of glass, end-to-end, Client-to-Cloud, Full Stack Observability
    • Management and Zero Touch Provisioning
    • Analytics Visibility
    • Orchestration for multiservice management and connectivity
  • Pro-active Assurance Testing

To learn more and to schedule a demo, please reach out to me at jeff.li@connxai.com. We’re standing by to help your retail company compete based on excellent Customer Experiences – every time – and to ensure your teams can collaborate over not just a connectivity platform – but a productivity platform.

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