Harnessing Data from Devices & Applications, ConnX Introduces Business Intelligence Solution With an AI Edge

June, 2022
Author: ConnX Marketing

In a world where hybrid and remote working are becoming increasingly prevalent, various organizations are embracing the array of advantages gained through offering a work-from-home option to employees. Despite a lack of enthusiasm from companies to move to remote work prior to COVID-19, restrictions from the pandemic forcing employees to work remotely have removed that initial hesitancy as millions of employees offered an upturn in productivity and satisfaction.

With 74% of workers stating the option to work remotely had reduced their likelihood to leave a company and 77% finding they were more productive while working from home, businesses will likely continue to opt toward hybrid working programs for the foreseeable future. One of the key inhibitors for employers considering the introduction of remote work is the lack of visibility on home desktops, being unaware of an employee’s actions could leave companies vulnerable to external threats such as predatory targeted scams.

Alleviating these fears are a variety of companies providing in-depth workforce analytics while still considering the privacy of employees and preventing burnout. The monitoring software provided can offer a myriad of features such as application use, keystroke, email tracking, file transfers, and metrics on productivity. Some of the companies currently providing this software technology include:

  • WorkExaminer
  • Teramind
  • ActivTrak
  • Teramind
  • Time Doctor

This week at the Future of Work ExpoConnX, a communications networking, and software company with solutions that simplify business connectivity, collaboration, security, and service assurance, introduced their innovative productivity management solution that combines the data generated by devices and endpoints connected by enterprise networks with data generated by employees. Developed in their own labs, ConnX Virtual Edge Vision™ (CVE-V) has integrated with ActiveTrak to provide leaders, managers, and coaches across any industry with unprecedented visibility.

Indrajit “I.G.” Ghosh, founder and CEO of ConnX stated, “When a very large and long-standing customer of ours in life sciences came to us to help them transform their digital real-time communications platform early on in the global pandemic two years ago, they inspired us to think differently about how real-time communications and collaboration platforms for voice, video, messaging, document sharing might work in the future given a jump-shift in remote working,” he continued. “Especially in highly regulated industries, and industries which are highly dependent on predictable, secure, quality networks and applications, it is mission critical to support the distributed workforce, giving managers the business intelligence tools they need to ensure their teams are supported – in service of positive business outcomes.”

“In both the life science and retail worlds, we worked very closely with our customers and our tech partner ecosystem to address complex, fast-moving challenges, which started with modernizing unified communications from devices and software in the cloud to every endpoint at the edge, whether an employee’s smartphone or laptop,” Ghosh explained. “The breakthrough happened when we began to see the enormous amount of valuable data being generated by registered endpoints and applications running on those endpoints in the new borderless enterprise world. What our customers wanted and needed was clear information and analytics showing what team members were doing throughout their workday, and how their activities were correlated with their performance and productivity.”

The CVE-V portal gathers data from every employee, device, and application on the very edge of the network before displaying actionable information which can be utilized to better manage workforces and implement strategies to improve efficiency.

Ghosh remarked, “By instrumenting the same devices being used for everyday internal and external communications with additional software, we have been able to go way beyond what we now believe are table stakes – things like intelligent routing for quality and resiliency and agents that improve visibility and control associated with the management of every session.”

As businesses at the forefront of their respective industries continue to adopt the most efficient techniques in their workplace culture they will consider hybrid working approaches and find management technology such as the CVE-V platform of intrinsic importance.

Originally published on Future of Work

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