AI-Powered Collaboration for Distributed Workforces: Simpler, More Secure, and Easily Scaled

August, 2023
Author: ConnX Marketing

According to a Gartner survey, 79% of workers worldwide used digital collaboration tools in 2021. This is a 44% increase from 2019, when just over half of workers used collaboration tools. The increase is due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused many organizations to shift to a hybrid work model.

The global Enterprise Collaboration Market size as per revenue was surpassed $47.2 billion in 2021 and is anticipated to exhibit a CAGR of 12.7% to reach over $85.8 billion by the end of 2026, reports MarketandMarkets.

The collaboration tools market is projected to reach over $85.8 billion by the end of 2026, and the need for reliable, high-quality networking that optimizes the value of investment in collaboration tools is continuing to grow in parallel.

Collaboration technologies with SD-WAN, SBCs, WiFi and other technologies support distributed companies whose success relies on keeping different offices, manufacturing facilities, retail branches and more connected, along with employees who work at home or who are constantly traveling to meet with customers and partners.

If the user experience is not consistent and easy to use, collaboration software platforms often fail; even the best applications can fail if connections falter, if voices are not heard clearly, and if every collaboration session is not fully secured. That’s why ConnX is focused on delivering a unified user experience, served from a simple, unified platform.

Global Reach, No Boundaries:

No matter where your employees work, or where your branches are, we span 135 countries – our solution ensures your connection remains steadfast. Our seamless failover, call preservation and redundancy capabilities mean uninterrupted service and reliability that empowers your global workforce.

Legacy Evolution, Rapid Deployment, Zero Downtime

Our rich and proven AIOps approach powers rapid deployment, so you rapidly move to a cloud-native platform, without the risks, and start reaping the benefits immediately.

Our unique Integrate-to-Migrate methodology allows coexistence of legacy systems with our advanced, fully featured cloud-based platform, eliminating downtime and ensuring a smooth transition. No disruptions, only dramatic improvements including greater productivity.

Integrated Innovation and Fast-Track Problem Solving

ConnX Work From Anywhere uses AIOps to provide proactive, end-to-end, client-to-cloud visibility to stop issues before they interrupt your business, to streamlines operations, reduce Mean Time To Resolution (MTTR) and increase client satisfaction.

Our ConnX Maestro platform erases siloed services, combining multiservice cloud voice and collaboration in one portal.

Powered by AIOps and Conversational AI, Maestro orchestrates, manages, provisions, and analyzes data, turning information into actionable insights.

Elevate with Every Step: Getting Started has Never Been Easier

We are with you on your migration journey, every step of the way. Your Work From Anywhere journey begins with a comprehensive assessment, followed by a comprehensive planning and design process leading to a smooth migration and ongoing operations.

The ConnX Work From Anywhere isn’t just a service; it’s a transformational experience that propels your business into a new dimension of connectivity, collaboration, and success.

Click here to schedule a meeting where our experts can work with your experts to determine just how much digital collaboration can improve user satisfaction and collaboration, leading to better business outcomes.

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