You’ve invested So Much in Building Great Customer Experiences: Don’t Let Your Network Let You Down

Are you ready to compete based on consistently excellent retail Customer Experience whether your customers are shopping online, in store, using social media, and more?

Retail is about experience. The digital experience happens anywhere the customer might be, in the store, at home, or on the move.

Customers do not want to wait. Perceived performance issues can frustrate customers, leading them to abandon the cart and go to a competitor site. In-store associates are core to the customer experience. 

When ringing up a customer or assisting a customer in-aisle, a poor experience for the associate can swell into a poor customer experience.

In today’s hyper-connected retail stores, there is no time for downtime.

And with the growth of online retail, and the integration of in-store and online shopping experiences, it has never been more important to have connectivity you and your customers can rely on – fast, reliable and secure. 

With ConnX Connected Retail solutions, your IT team can upgrade your network, ensure applications are always running, support every connected experience, from customer and company WiFi to secure and fast POS transactions, to advanced multimedia experiences, including Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, mobile self check out, assisted way finding, personalized recommendation apps, delivery of offers and deals driven by AI engines, inventory management, and much more.

Never worry again about what your brand’s technology can support – and let your imagination run wild as you continue to create easy, memorable, and exciting experiences instore and online.

We would love to learn where you wish to go in building loyalty and sales, and wold be delighted to share a demo with you and your internal IT partners.